Get Home
(2023)Get Home is a retro metroidvania about a fox that must escape the derelict space station it’s stuck on. The game stores the massive map using a unique compression algorithm.
Get Home is a retro metroidvania about a fox that must escape the derelict space station it’s stuck on. The game stores the massive map using a unique compression algorithm.
Early 2021 proved to be a sweet spot between me learning enough to develop my own website and my Weebly account subscription expiring. So, when would be a better time to make my own portfolio website?
An unnamed client requested a stock market ticker to be installed in their office. I was responsible for programming the ticker.
Graphics for three large digital displays and one projector installed within an office building in Manhattan. Created while employed by TAD. Involved motion graphics as well as programming for procedural graphics.
The goal is simple: bounce a ball of paint to the end. Only, there’s one problem: the stage hasn’t been painted yet!
I’ve been working a bit on a game concept I’ve had for a while. Here’s some out-of-context progress on it! Character Nulaxia takes place on an alien planet. So, we need aliens! As a child, I loved those Petz games. You know, by PF Magic? It was a series of virtual pet games from the […]
For Pi Day (3/14) of 2019, I decided to create a tweetcart showcasing the Monte Carlo method of approximating pi. This method calculates the distance between the origin and a random point from (-r,-r) to (r,r), where r is the radius (in this case, 1). Then, the total number of dots within the circle (or, […]
One of my favorite tweetcarts. Showcased in the Museum of Tweetcart History. A tweetcart is a Lua script that can run in Pico-8 and fit within a single Tweet, with 280 characters or fewer. s=sin c=cos l=line::_::cls(7)u=t()/4q=.7+s(u)/9p=.75+s(u+.2)/9i=64+16*c(p)j=32*s(p)for z=1,5 do d=u+z/5m=8*c(d)*c(q+.3)n=8*s(d)*s(q+.3)x=i+m+4*c(q)y=j+n+4*s(q)e=q-s(d+u)/30l(i,j,i+m,j+n,2)l(i,j,64,-8)for w=x-2,x+2 do h=y+(x-w)*c(e)l(w,h,w+64*c(e),h+64*s(e))end end flip()goto _
Something fun and abstract. Showcased in the Museum of Tweetcart History. A tweetcart is a Lua script that can run in Pico-8 and fit within a single Tweet, with 280 characters or fewer. –181124 #tweetcart p={}l=cos::_::a=7+l(t()/8)cls(5) add(p,{x=64+4*l(a),y=64+4*sin(a),s=4,a=a,c=(t()*7/4)%7+9}) for o in all(p)do o.s*=7/6 o.a+=.2 for i=1,5 do q=8/o.a+i/5z=q+1/5s=o.s line(o.x+s*l(q),o.y+s*sin(q),o.x+s*l(z),o.y+s*sin(z),o.c)end if(o.s>128)del(p,o)end flip()goto _
Aurora! Showcased in the Museum of Tweetcart History. A tweetcart is a Lua script that can run in Pico-8 and fit within a single Tweet, with 280 characters or fewer. –#pico8 #tweetcart q=127s=sin::_::srand()cls(1)for n=0,q do pset(n,rnd(84),7)line(n,q,n,85+s(n/77)*n/16,0)end for n=0,86 do i=n+t()%8 x=n+41y=44+1.5*s(cos(n/q))*s(i/8)-40*sqrt(-x/q)l=52*s(.5+n/312)for j=0,l-1 do z=flr(sqrt(j/l)*3)+1 if(j%z==0)pset(x,y-j,10+z)end end flip()goto _