
Recent Projects

GET HOME thumbnail

Get Home

Category: Artwork, Game Design, Programming / Tags:

Get Home is a retro metroidvania about a fox that must escape the derelict space station it’s stuck on. The game stores the massive map using a unique compression algorithm.

Avoyt Portfolio Preview

Avoyt Portfolio

Category: Programming, UX/UI

Early 2021 proved to be a sweet spot between me learning enough to develop my own website and my Weebly account subscription expiring. So, when would be a better time to make my own portfolio website?

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Recent Blog Posts

Nulaxia: Character and World!

Category: Game Design, Programming / Tags: ,

I’ve been working a bit on a game concept I’ve had for a while. Here’s some out-of-context progress on it! Character Nulaxia takes place on an alien planet. So, we need aliens! As a child, I loved those Petz games. You know, by PF Magic? It was a series of virtual pet games from the […]

Tweetcart: Pi Day 2019

Category: Programming / Tags: ,

For Pi Day (3/14) of 2019, I decided to create a tweetcart showcasing the Monte Carlo method of approximating pi. This method calculates the distance between the origin and a random point from (-r,-r) to (r,r), where r is the radius (in this case, 1). Then, the total number of dots within the circle (or, […]

Tweetcart: Chimes

Category: Programming / Tags: ,

One of my favorite tweetcarts. Showcased in the Museum of Tweetcart History. A tweetcart is a Lua script that can run in Pico-8 and fit within a single Tweet, with 280 characters or fewer. s=sin c=cos l=line::_::cls(7)u=t()/4q=.7+s(u)/9p=.75+s(u+.2)/9i=64+16*c(p)j=32*s(p)for z=1,5 do d=u+z/5m=8*c(d)*c(q+.3)n=8*s(d)*s(q+.3)x=i+m+4*c(q)y=j+n+4*s(q)e=q-s(d+u)/30l(i,j,i+m,j+n,2)l(i,j,64,-8)for w=x-2,x+2 do h=y+(x-w)*c(e)l(w,h,w+64*c(e),h+64*s(e))end end flip()goto _

Tweetcart: 80s Wormhole

Category: Programming / Tags: ,

Something fun and abstract. Showcased in the Museum of Tweetcart History. A tweetcart is a Lua script that can run in Pico-8 and fit within a single Tweet, with 280 characters or fewer. –181124 #tweetcart p={}l=cos::_::a=7+l(t()/8)cls(5) add(p,{x=64+4*l(a),y=64+4*sin(a),s=4,a=a,c=(t()*7/4)%7+9}) for o in all(p)do o.s*=7/6 o.a+=.2 for i=1,5 do q=8/o.a+i/5z=q+1/5s=o.s line(o.x+s*l(q),o.y+s*sin(q),o.x+s*l(z),o.y+s*sin(z),o.c)end if(o.s>128)del(p,o)end flip()goto _

Tweetcart: Aurora

Category: Programming / Tags: ,

Aurora! Showcased in the Museum of Tweetcart History. A tweetcart is a Lua script that can run in Pico-8 and fit within a single Tweet, with 280 characters or fewer. –#pico8 #tweetcart q=127s=sin::_::srand()cls(1)for n=0,q do pset(n,rnd(84),7)line(n,q,n,85+s(n/77)*n/16,0)end for n=0,86 do i=n+t()%8 x=n+41y=44+1.5*s(cos(n/q))*s(i/8)-40*sqrt(-x/q)l=52*s(.5+n/312)for j=0,l-1 do z=flr(sqrt(j/l)*3)+1 if(j%z==0)pset(x,y-j,10+z)end end flip()goto _

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